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Private Coaching

Are you looking for tools to help manage your experience of everyday life?

In private coaching, Lauren helps individuals deepen their understanding of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and teaches strategies to manage them. She uses a blend of modalities including mindfulness-based stress reduction, sensory-based nervous system care, health coaching, and more, to help her clients increase their tolerance for unpleasant emotions like stress and overwhelm, and increase enjoyment of their life.

Is private coaching right for me?
Coaching could be a great option for you if you resonate with any of the statements below:

  • I'm looking for evidence-based methods to manage my thoughts, feelings and behaviors

  • I want to feel more regulated and grounded in life; like I have tools to handle what life throws at me

  • I want to learn about my nervous system states and create my own unique toolbox for regulating how I feel

  • I'd like to increase my self-awareness and self-management skills

  • I'd like to increase my social-awareness and relationship management skills

  • I need stress-management tools, so my relationships and career can thrive

  • I need tools to sooth overthinking and worries 

  • I'm a highly sensitive person and I'm looking for heathy ways to cope with my strong feelings 

  • ​I am ready to take action and make change in my life


What are sessions like?

Lauren offers 3- and 6-month coaching programs, where sessions are held bi-weekly via Zoom. In these 50-minute sessions, you will receive personalized coaching that is tailored to your own unique needs.


Your sessions will typically begin with a grounding activity to connect your mind and body. You will talk with Lauren about how you've been, how practicing your skills has been going, ask any questions you have and learn something new - all through empathic and empowering conversations and visuals.


While the sessions will be lead by what your heart is needing that day, coaching programs will typically flow through a series of phases - Phase 1: Establishing Safety, Phase 2: Increasing Awareness, Phase 3: Exploring and Integrating Skills, Phase 4: Maintaining and Upleveling.​​

Workforce break time deep breath close eyes comfy workspace sit smile easy on floor relax

Questions? Want to learn more or sign up? 
Book a free consultation call with Lauren! 

Image by Helena Hertz

What Clients are Saying

  • "I understand myself more and have a greater tolerance for daily stress. - Allison

  • "I feel like I have more tools to handle myself throughout the day." - Andrew

  • "Lauren’s class taught me to be more patient and accepting of myself" - Jessica

  • "I have been more present when with both of my kids and more aware of what is going on around me, both good and bad." - Nicole

  • "I liked how nonjudgmental and flexible Lauren's coaching style was." - Sheridan

  • "Leah has less frequent emotional extremes and regularly references her skills" - Leah's Mom

  • "It is amazing how much better he is overall now" - James' Mom

  • "I can't mention enough how impactful these sessions with you have been.  They're stimulating such wonderful conversations and growth with our children." - Sam's Dad

  • "She's able to create more space between the emotion and her reaction. She’s also doing a better job at articulating herself and using more words to describe how she is feeling." - Emma's Mom

  • "She's been much better with her separation anxiety. She has a new confidence about her where she wants to try new things that she wouldn't normally have done." - Hannah's Mom

A note from Lauren.

For most of my life, my inner world felt turbulent and challenging, regardless of what was going on in my life at the time. Overthinking, unconscious beliefs, anxiety, and more kept me chronically stressed and easily overwhelmed. There were times I felt desperate for tools to make life just feel...easier. For the last decade plus, I've gathered my education, training, and intuitive gifts to create what you experience in Bright Heart Coaching sessions today. Through my Bachelors in Psychology, Masters in Public Health, certifications in health coaching and mindfulness, training in sensory-based nervous system care, and knowledge of DBT-informed skills, I've built an arsenal of mind/body skills that have helped me and my clients bring more peace and mental agility into daily life. It is my passion, purpose and great honor to support others who, like me, are looking for ways to create a more loving relationship with themselves, their thoughts, feelings and choices -to feel more capable, confident and in control.

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